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Unlike in Sociology, extensive research on disability has not been conducted in Cultural Studies. In this video, SUSANNE HARTWIG analyzes the ways in which disability has been portrayed in aesthetic texts and how this has developed over time. While stereotypical and reassuring representations of disability remain the norm, Hartwig observes that more unsettling depictions (which lead readers/spectators to question their assumptions) have become more prominent in recent years. With demographic change and aging populations shifting this subject center stage, Hartwig’s research promises to shed light on cultural representations of disability so that we might better understand how our real-world attitudes can evolve in positive directions.

University of Passau (Universität Passau)
An excellent research and study environment in the heart of Europe: Owing to its excellent research output, an outstanding study environment and a tight-knit international network of partners, the University of Passau is a highly visible and highly respected academic and research institution in the heart of Europe. Internationally successful high-technology companies and a vibrant start-up scene, coupled with a rich culture and Lower Bavarian traditions make Passau a city with a high quality of life. About 13,000 students hailing from more than 100 countries and some 1,100 staff in primary employment in the academic units and academic support divisions are engaged in research, teaching and higher education support functions on our University campus, situated a stone’s throw from the Old Town of Passau. This campus is not only well-equipped in terms of technical infrastructure, it has also received numerous architecture prizes.
International networks: Internationalism has always been a hallmark for the University, as well as an important strategic aim. Our international connections are underpinned by the vibrant partnerships we maintain on a global scale, particularly the cross-border co-operative and research partnerships of our academics. Our students and alumni, too, are engaged in networks that reach far beyond the city limits of Passau. Many of our degree programmes offer students the chance to earn international double degrees, and all our students have access to a large range of language courses and student exchange programmes. Our subject-specific language programmes in Law, Business, Economics, Cultural Studies, International Relations, Teacher Education, Computer Science and Mathematics ideally complement our students’ degree studies and give them an edge on the international labour markets.
An excellent learning environment: The University of Passau is among the leading 20% of universities worldwide. And closer to home, the University regularly attains top positions in academic rankings in Bavaria and the German-speaking world, e.g. in law, business and economics, computer science, communication studies, political science and cultural studies. Representative surveys, such as the Study Quality Monitor, regularly attest to the high level of student satisfaction at the University. Our graduates are highly sought after by employers, as they are not only equipped with technical knowledge needed to embark on their careers; they are also highly motivated individuals who demonstrate great initiative by seeking additional qualifications outside their degree programmes and practical skills, and through their commitment to causes outside the university. Many are active members of the University's various student clubs and societies, which provide a valuable contribution to campus life as well as the international and cross-disciplinary profile of the University.
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Original publication
¿Discapacidad? Literatura, Teatro y Cine Hispánicos Vistos Desde los Disability Studies
Images of Disability. Literature, Scenic, Visual, and Virtual Arts/Imágenes de la Diversidad Funcional. Literatura, Artes Escénicas, Visuales y Virtuales
Published in 2018
Espacio(s) Teatrale(s) y Diversidad Funcional
Revista de Literatura
Published in 9998
La Discapacidad en Escena. Una Búsqueda a Escala Europea
Published in 2019
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