The Corona pandemic made it impossible to hold general shareholder meetings in the traditional manner. In this video, ELENA DUBOVITSKAYA explores how German corporate law responded to this dilemma through what she refers to as The Covid Act. Out of necessity, the act bypassed the shareholder’s heretofore irrevocable right to be physically present at the general meeting. Dubovitskaya examines the extent to which the Covid Act can act as a blueprint for forthcoming legislation on the manner in which fully virtual general shareholder meetings can be organized.


Elena Dubovitskayais a senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. She is also head of the centre of expertise on Russia and other post Soviet states. Having completed her doctorate at Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2003, Dubovitskaya has combined her research with periods as a legal professional in both Germany and Russia. Her main research interests include civil law, company and commercial law and Russian law


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Original publication

The COVID-19 Company Law Act in Germany: New Regulations in Company Law

Dubovitskaya Elena
La Ley mercantil
Published in 2020

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Die virtuelle Hauptversammlung nach dem COVID-19-Pandemie-Gesetz 2020

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Die Aktiengesellschaft
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