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Researcher | Institution | Original publication | Reading recommendations | CitationGood entrepreneurs play a key role in helping poor countries to prosper. In this video, MICHAEL FRESE asks us to consider the fundamental importance of psychological mindset in the development of successful entrepreneurs. Over a two year period, Frese analyzed outcomes achieved by groups of entrepreneurs that had received different forms of training and found that individuals who had been trained to develop an entrepreneurial mindset had been (on average) 30% more profitable. With important implications for poverty reduction in the developing world, backed by the World Bank, Frese is looking at extending his study to countries including Jamaica, Ethiopia, and Mozambique.
Leuphana University, Lüneburg
Sustainability research, cultural research, education, management and entrepreneurship: Through these four science initiatives, in course work and research, Leuphana University of Lüneburg addresses the challenges of civil society in the 21st century. The bodies responsible for these initiatives are the faculties newly established in 2010: Education , Culture , Business and Sustainability . There are research topics spanning multiple faculties – in keeping with developments of current and future relevance – devoted to the Democracy, Digital Media and Health.
Companion to the substantive quality of the curriculum, Leuphana places particular reliance on students' responsibility, curiosity and initiative, on a broad-ranging change in perspective that questions presumably settled knowledge, and on dialogue not only among the various disciplines but between science and practice. The course of study follows a degree model unique to the German higher-education landscape, a model that has already received multiple awards. With its launch of the Digital School in 2013, Leuphana also entered the age of the online universities, where it is setting new standards in social learning.
For its development as a humanistic, action-oriented and sustainable university, in 2007 Leuphana received an award from the business community's innovation agency for the German science system, the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, in its competition devoted to 'Excellence Strategies for Small and Medium-Sized Universities', and in 2010 from the Mercator Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation for the nationwide competition on 'The Future of Instruction'.
To strengthen Lüneburg as a location for research and business, scientists and the business community are working side by side on visionary projects under unique conditions, as part of the EU-sponsored regional development project for Innovation Incubators. A total of nearly EUR 100 million is flowing into regional economic development. In more than 50 projects, there are some 300 firms in the former Lüneburg district working with teams of researchers on behalf of a broad range of new research and infrastructure projects and measures in education and training. The Incubator places the emphasis on the topics of Digital Media, Health and Sustainable Energy. ( Source )
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Original publication
Teaching Personal Initiative Beats Traditional Training in Boosting Small Business in West Africa
Published in 2017
Reading recommendations
Psychological Training for Entrepreneurs to Take Action: Contributing to Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries
Current Directions in Psychological Science
Published in 2016
Action and Action-Regulation in Entrepreneurship: Evaluating a Student Training for Promoting Entrepreneurship
Academy of Management Learning & Education
Published in 2015
Increasing Personal Initiative in Small Business Managers or Owners Leads to Entrepreneurial Success: A Theory-Based Controlled Randomized Field Intervention for Evidence-BasedManagement
Academy of Management Learning & Education
Published in 2014
8 videos in this playlist