
If you want to get to know the scientists behind the work even better, this is just the right place for you. In this section of Beyond, the researchers present books which have impacted their lives and their ways of thinking in meaningful ways. The books presented range from novels, to memoirs, to science books of all sorts. You can filter the books by genre or just scroll through the list. This is also a great way to get inspiration for your own reading!

Christian Liebscher

Der Teil und das Ganze

Playing a key role in discovering quantum physics, Werner Heisenberg is one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. In this book, Heisenberg depicts his revolutional findings in the field of physics that profoundly changed the way we see our world.

Miriam Liedvogel

She has her mothers laugh

What is heredity? Are we only made up by the genes passed from our parents? Columnist Carl Zimmer uses biomedical scientific insights as well as personal experiences to answers questions that were first posed by Charles Darwin, but never answered by him.

Sven Müller

Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation

According to scientists we have to make up to 20.000 decisions - per day! This book presents simulation techniques and models from the last 25 years like logit, GEV (including nested and cross-nested logits) and probit that help to predict decision making.