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Our planet’s cloudiness has been heretofore understood as being controlled by the slowly varying, large scale, atmospheric circulation known as the Hadley cell. In this video, CLAUDIA STEPHAN argues that this model is overly simplistic. Bringing recent measurements taken over the Atlantic into dialogue with observational data gathered in Darwin on gravity waves, Stephan suggests that relationships between clouds and atmospheric waves can provide important insight into, and ultimately improve, weather and climate modeling.

Max Planck Society
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Original publication
Gravity Wave Influences on Mesoscale Divergence: An Observational Case Study
Geophysical Research Letters
Published in 2020
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Measuring Area-Averaged Vertical Motions with Dropsondes
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
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EUREC4A: A Field Campaign to Elucidate the Couplings Between Clouds, Convection and Circulation
Surveys in Geophysics
Published in 2017
Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity
Nature Geoscience
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