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In the eye-tracking experiment presented in this video it was observed how people make choices in different environments. The results show that people adapt their decision behavior only gradually to different situations and do not switch between different strategies, as often hypothesized. As ANDREAS GLÖCKNER explains this new single-strategy model fits reality better and thus is apt to produce insights for public policy. It leads to better answers on how to make better choices, how to avoid decision traps, and which information people need to make good decisions.

University of Hagen (FernUniversität in Hagen)
"The FernUniversität in Hagen – University of Hagen - is the only state-maintained distance teaching university in the German-speaking countries and regions. They benefit from our modern distance education system which combines pedagogically well prepared study units with individual support, net-based co-operation in seminars and working groups, online communication offers and face-to-face sessions (Blended Learning). Contact and contact persons for the students are to be found on the main campus at Hagen as well as at the around 30 study centres in Germany, Austria and Central and Eastern Europe. Since we offer a real alternative to on-campus studies with high-quality final degrees (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate), we particularly also stand for the trend towards lifelong learning. That is why about 80,000 students have chosen to study with us." ( Source )
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Original publication
What is Adaptive about Adaptive Decision Making? A Parallel Constraint Satisfaction Account
Published in 2014
Reading recommendations
Single-Process Versus Multiple-Strategy Models of Decision Making: Evidence from an Information Intrusion Paradigm
Acta Psychologica
Published in 2014
Intuition in Judgment and Decision Making: Extensive Thinking Without Effort
Psychological Inquiry
Published in 2010
Beyond Dual-Process Models: A Categorization of Processes Underlying Intuitive Judgment and Decision Making
Thinking & Reasoning
Published in 2010
Multiple-Reason Decision Making Based on Automatic Processing
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Published in 2008
A Ground-breaking Scientific Revolution
An Alarming Challenge for Society
If I Had a Second Life
A Personal Reading Recommendation