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Researcher | Institution | Original publication | Reading recommendations | Beyond | CitationHow can we best implement digital learning in schools? In this video, FRANK J.MÜLLER argues that the Norwegian Digital Learning Arena’s (NDLA) work with Open Educational Resources offers a highly instructive case study. Interviewing professionals and companies working with NDLA as well as school book publishers who have opposed the platform since its introduction in 2006, Müller shows how Norway has dealt with questions around funding, software, sustainability and licensing. Underlining the centrality of openness to the success of the NDLA system, Müller’s work explains how other international educational systems can benefit from Norway’s experience.

University of Bremen (Universität Bremen)
Top-performing, diverse, reform-minded, and singularly cooperative – that about sums up the University of Bremen. Around 23,000 people learn, teach, research, and work on its international campus. Their shared goal is to contribute to the advancement of society. With well over 100 degree programs, the range of subjects offered by the university is broad. As one of Europe’s leading research universities, it maintains close cooperation with universities and research institutes worldwide. The University of Bremen, together with seven partner institutions, will create a European university in the coming years. The EU Commission is funding the YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – network. Furthermore, the university is part of the regional U Bremen Research Alliance. The university’s competence and dynamism have attracted numerous companies to settle in the technology park surrounding the campus. This has created an important national location for innovation - with the University of Bremen at its heart.
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Original publication
Opportunities and Challenges of State-Financed Open Educational Resources. The Norwegian Model – A Way to More Inclusion?
Published in 2019Reading recommendations
Chancen und Herausforderungen staatlich finanzierter, frei verfügbarer Bildungsmaterialien (OER) am Beispiel der Plattform ndla. no in Norwegen. Ein Weg zu mehr Inklusion?
Published in 2019Beyond
A Ground-breaking Scientific Revolution
An Alarming Challenge for Society
If I Had a Second Life
A Personal Reading Recommendation