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The findings on the relation between economic development and life expectancy at birth have long been contradictory. In the theoretical model and data analysis presented in this video it is shown that prolongation of life expectancy is a turning point for economic development: As UWE SUNDE explains, the effect of life expectancy on income is negative before the transition to low birth and death rates, and positive afterwards. The findings show that investments in health are crucial to trigger the development of countries.

Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
"LMU Munich is one of the leading universities in Europe. Carrying on a tradition that goes back over 500 years, LMU offers challenging study programs and provides an ideal environment for top-level research. "Introducing LMU" gives an insight into learning and teaching as well as research and life at LMU." ( Source )
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Original publication
The Economic and Demographic Transition, Mortality, and Comparative Development
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Published in 2015
Life Expectancy and Economic Growth: The Role of the Demographic Transition
Journal of Economic Growth
Published in 2011
Reading recommendations
Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
Published in 2005Life Expectancy, Schooling, and Lifetime Labor Supply: Theory and Evidence Revisited
Published in 2013
The Effect of Life Expectancy on Education and Population Dynamics
Empirical Economics
Published in 2015
Income and Democracy
American Economic Review
Published in 2008
Individual Risk Attitudes: Measurement, Determinants and Behavioral Consequences
Journal of the European Economic Association
Published in 2011
A Ground-breaking Scientific Revolution
An Alarming Challenge for Society
If I Had a Second Life
A Personal Reading Recommendation