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Researcher | Institution | Original publication | Reading recommendations | Beyond | CitationOne the most common types of leukemia is chronic lymphocytic leukemia. To find the right treatment for an individual patient with that disease is a challenging task and many patients develop a resistance against the existing drugs. The purpose of the research presented by BRIGITTE VOIT in this video is to find new drugs that reduce cancer cells while not destroying other cells in the body. The researchers created two versions of organic molecules called dendrimers, differentiated by type of shell, and compared their effect to that of the commercial drug Fludarabine. The findings are highly relevant for treatment of leukemia: Both types of dendrimers destroy leukemia cells but one of them is more active against cancer cells and at the same time less harmful for healthy cells than Fludarabine. Moreover, the dendrimers have an effect on leukemia cells that are resistant to commonly used treatments.

Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden
The Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF) is one of the largest polymer research facilities in Germany. As an institute of the Leibniz Association, the IPF is committed to carrying out application-oriented fundamental research and receives its basic funding in equal parts from the federal and state governments.
The approach is holistic, covering synthesis and modification of polymer materials, their characterization and theoretical investigation, up to processing and testing. A special feature of the institute’s activities is the close cooperation of scientists and engineers and a broad range of modern instruments and methods are available including pilot plants allowing material and technology development under industry-relevant conditions.
The research focus is on materials problems and needs which can be approached by control of interface-related properties as well as interactions at interfaces and surfaces. A deep understanding of techniques and processes as well as of underlying physical aspects shall provide the basis to develop long-term concepts for technological implementation and applications of new polymer materials.
The topics dealt with at the institute are highly future-oriented. They include development of materials, technologies, and systems which are crucial to guarantee the strength of Germany’s economy also in future and to ensure both quality of living and sustainability. The polymer materials address innovations for further development in, e. g., medicine, transport and mobility, as well as energy efficiency and advanced communication technologies.
The institute's profile is determined by four strategic topics that are approached in close collaboration of all departments of the institute.
Functional nanostructured interfaces and polymer systems
Biology-inspired interface and material design
Polymer networks: Structure, theory, and application
Process-controlled structure formation in polymer materials
Based on these topics the IPF is linked with leading research groups in Germany and worldwide, but, first of all, it is part of the powerful network of research institutions in Dresden and a very active member of DRESDEN concept (Source: IPFDD).
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Original publication
Dendrimer-Based Nanoparticles for Potential Personalized Therapy in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Targeting the BCR-Signaling Pathway
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Published in 2016
Reading recommendations
The Influence of Maltotriose-Modified Poly (Propylene Imine) Dendrimers on the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells in Vitro: Dense Shell G4 PPI
Molecular Pharmaceutics
Published in 2013
Toxicity and Proapoptotic Activity of Poly (Propylene Imine) Glycodendrimers in Vitro: Considering their Contrary Potential as Biocompatible Entity and Drug Molecule in Cancer
International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Published in 2014
Oligosaccharide-Modified Poly (Propyleneimine) Dendrimers: Synthesis, Structure Determination and Cu II Complexation
Macromolecular Bioscience
Published in 2007
Microenvironment Interactions and B-Cell Receptor Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Implications for Disease Pathogenesis and Treatment
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research
Published in 2016
Targeted Therapy in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Past, Present and Future
Clinical Therapeutics
Published in 2013
Targeting Inflammatory Pathways in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology
Published in 2013
Dendrimer-Based Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy
Hematology 1
Published in 2009
The Biodistribution of Maltotriose Modified Poly (Propylene Imine) (PPI) Dendrimers Conjugated with Fluorescein-Proofs of Crossing Blood-Brain-Barrier
New Journal of Chemistry
Published in 2012
Dense Shell Glycodendrimers as Potential Nontoxic Anti-Amyloidogenic Agents in Alzheimer’s Disease. Amyloid–Dendrimer Aggregates Morphology and Cell Toxicity
Published in 2011
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